Friday, June 21, 2013

The Decline And Fall Of The Byzantine Empire (1025

The Byzantine Empire, such(prenominal) uniform the Roman Empire, faced a formidable array of external enemies. However, it was largely internal corruption which destroyed both conglomerates. The political and economic stability of the pudding stone by 1000 A.D. take to two lines of development which quality to trigger a oppose of interlocking feedback bikes that, in turn, in the long run wrecked the conglomerate. First of all, on that plosive consonant was the abandon peasantry upon which the government depended for taxes and recruits. When the pudding stone had been under aeonian attack, kingdom had been a poor investment. inactive once stability started to produce in the eighth century, umpteen an(prenominal) nobles looked greedily upon the farmlands controlled by the harmless(prenominal) peasantry. There was a eonian battle as the nobles act to get these lands and enserf the peasants. The government, seeing the bounteous peasantry as the backbone of its thrift and defence, did what it could to keep back them. common sweet basil II in position fought long and hard to defend the peasants, scarce even he was unable to break the superpower of the nobles. Secondly, and alas for the peasants, non all emperors were sacrosanct or even interested enough to defend the peasants. This was in particular true after common basil IIs death in 1025 when the empire was at its height and a strong military seemed less necessary.
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Therefore, a series of hazy rulers with little military realise succeeded Basil. During hard times, such as famine, nobles would take the chance to divest the peasants. This wouild last to the decline of the unloose peasantry and army, which in turn force the state to rely much and more on overpriced foreign mercenaries. This further add the tax burden on the peasants, which caused more of them to lose their lands, lead story to more reliance on mercenaries and so on. This miserable cycle weakened the providence and tax base to the point where the Byzantines could not even brook to maintain their navy. Therefore, they asked such acclivitous Italian city-states as Venice and Genoa...If you compulsion to get a broad essay, set up it on our website: Orderessay

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