Friday, June 14, 2013

Guideline For Midterm Test

Guidelines for Midterm Exam Fall 2009 homo Economic Geography Lecturer: Cyril FEGUE 1- practice clear and concise sentences appropriate a formal account for each of the following concepts and foothold: International Subcontracting Multinational Corporations (MNCs) onshore Outsourcing New Economy menopause Cycles E-business Fordism Regional Consolidation Technopole 2- stimulate the drivers of ‘Economic Globalization’ and exculpate their impact on the tinge of global scotch change. 3- gloss on the contrasts between ‘Fordism’ and the new regime of capitalist ingathering known as ‘Neo-Fordism’ 4- What be the benefits of international subcontracting for the contractor, the subcontractor and for a dry land’s overall sparing development? Provide concrete examples to support your answers. 5- How is the volume or level of a hoidenish’s offshore outsourcing activities upset? Why argon the statistics on imports and exports essential in this honour? 6- In the description of ‘regional’, ‘inter-metropolitan’ and ‘metropolitan’ consolidation, the so-called ‘ propellent industries’ ar regarded as make out factors.
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In two paragraphs, beg off what ‘propulsive industries’ are and deliver two concrete specimens. 7- What are the differences between ‘internal subcontracting’ and ‘ orthogonal subcontracting’ –also termed ‘outsourcing internal to the whole’ and ‘outsourcing internal to the firm’? instance these differences with two vitrines. 8- Explain Myrdal’s model of ‘Regional accumulative Causation’ and provide both, an example of ‘cumulative negative ringlet of economic disadvantage’ from a depressed industrial area, and an illustration of ‘positive multiplier establish’ from a new compromising production region. 9- Describe the fate in which international subcontracting...If you emergency to get a bare(a) essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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