Monday, June 17, 2013

Chapter 6B Lecture "Operant Conditioning"

1) The Law of Effect A) Edward L. Thorndike 1) Connectionist possible action a. the S ? R f ordainrnity tops as a result of the consequences of its actions through psychometric test and error b. those receptions that atomic military eject 18 rewarded ordain return more frequently B) operant t severally A) Def: intoneing of a stimulus rejoinder family relationship by following the solution with a backing 1) B.F Skinner B) routine Def: [stimulus] ? [Response ? reward] 1) determine: procedure in which the experiment rewards the organism all(prenominal) age it makes a reaction that approximates the desired response 2) Chaining: combining make steps C) experimental extinction 1) uniform to classical conditioning devote CS without UCS D) Reinforcement [Increases behaviors] 1) Types a. arrogant: wages desired by the subject which will profit probability of an action macrocosm enkindle b. oppose: undesired reinforcer which will strengthen a response by its absence c. primary: a natural supporting d.
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unessential: a learned reenforcement 2) Rules a) The shorter the while btwn an elicited response and the reward the quicker acquirement will occur b) oftenness of reinforcer also increases the rate of learning 3) sporadic Reinforcement a. reinforcement is not presented by and byward each response just this instant in intervals b. schedules 1) Ratio- schedule: reinforcement depends on the total of erect responses btwn reinforcement a) fixed-ratio: reinforcement occurs after a determined number of correct responses b) varaible-ratio: number of responses btwn reinforcements varies ii. time interval Schedules: reinforcement is determined by the time btwn responses a) fixed-interval: reinforcement after fixed period of time b) varaible-interval: time btwn reinforcement variesIf you want to lend a full essay, depute it on our website: Orderessay

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