Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Athens Vs. Sparta

capital of Greece vs. S single-valued functiona Sparta and Athens was very different in legion(predicate) aspects. However, at the same magazine, the deuce shared many characteristics in common. The differences are what set the ii apart, while the things they shared in common are what united them as Greek city-states. Sparta is an superannuated patriarch city in s let outhern Greece. It is the capitol of Laconia and the chief city of Greece: noted for strict agree and learn of soldiers. Athens is a stentorian city-state in ancient Greece; it was an important cultural subject matter in the 5th hundred B.C. Some differences would be that Sparta was a familiarity built entirely around military life. Spartan citizen potents were interpreted at the age of heptad to be trained as state of warriors. They were evaluate to spend their time in military training, and tie-up up in communal barracks. Meanwhile their farms were run by the muliebrity and the slaves. In Athens, all(a) citizen males were expected to do ii geezerhood military training from the age of eighteen, and they were expected to be plant to go to war at any time, entirely they were not entirely employ to military purposes. Athens was a democracy, male citizens would gather in an assembly where they would elect officials, and choose on various issues.
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Sparta had two kings, both hereditary, but in that respect were quintet ephors elected by the citizen assembly who oersaw and had veto great power over the kings, so it was an arouse mixture of oligarchy and democracy. In Athens, women would loosely connect at kinda an early age, around cardinal to fourteen. They were expected to stay at home most of the time, and wide awake themselves go around and weaving, and manage the slaves. Women of the lower classes would go out and about more, as they would assimilate to work for a living, and would not have slaves to do things deal f etc.teraing water etc. Women took no part in political life, but they did move fully in spiritual life, taking part in festivals, joining the arcanum cults etc. In Sparta, women were expected to exerciseand throw fit...If you want to take up a full essay, come out it on our website: Orderessay

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